Monday 2 January 2012

Business Plan Executive

An executive summary is the gist of a business plan, which provides an overview of the detailed business writing. Business plan executive summary is necessary for every business. This brief document highlights the unique selling points of your plan. The purpose of this document is to shed light on the fundamentals of your business plan. It has to be written with utmost clarity and simplicity in order to engage and interest the reader. Any kind of ambiguity will make him lost in translation. An executive summary is the first document that most of the people look at. Thus to make the lasting impression, it needs to be written in a manner that is easily understood.
How to Write an Executive Summary
    * An executive summary can only be written after the entire business plan is ready.
    * Before you begin writing your summary, go through your business document once again and highlight the points you'd want to bring out in the summary.
    * A business plan executive summary begins with the name of your company, location of your office or headquarters, services you are engaged in or products you manufacture and the purpose of writing the summary. This can be your introductory page to the summary. However, do not extend your introduction beyond a page. Go through a few executive summary examples to get useful hints.
    * The length of an executive summary can vary from 5-10 pages, depending on the length of your actual business plan document. A summary is about one tenth of the total document.
    * Including all the points from the plan in the summary, might be difficult. However, even if you are omitting any sections, make sure they come in the same order as the detailed business plan.
    * Know your audience well while writing summary. If you are writing for a potential investor, you will have to explain your plans with appropriate examples. However, if you writing it for a regular reader, the language and style will have to simple and free of jargon. The points have to be stated with conviction. The slightest doubt will jeopardize the interest of the investor.
    * Explain to the reader your expansion plans, your growth predictions and feasibility of it all. Go through business plan executive summary samples written by other businessmen to get an insight.
    * Once you are done writing the summary, proofread the same for grammar and factual errors. It must also be formatted well, which allows the reader to easily go through the document.

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